The Application Form can be filled online with the help of the following instructions :
1. Forms will be available ONLINE ONLY to ALL ELIGIBLE candidates. The cost of the form is Rs. 2500/- (Non-refundable)
2. Click on the 'Submit Form' button for the Online Admission Application. (Please refer to the section "Grade List" mentioned below).
3. Fill out the details mentioned in the admission application form.
4. After completing the online admission form, PDF files will be generated containing the Administration Copy of the filled form along with the Medical History Sheet Form, Parental Consent Form, Undertaking and the payment receipt. Kindly download and save the admission form and payment receipt and print them subsequently at time of admission.
5. List of required documents are given in admission notice, Point No 4.
Submission of Admission Form
After selection, the admission will be confirmed only after receiving the required documents and fees.(Refer Point No. 4 & 5 in admission notice)
Standard List for admission in 2024-25 :